Follow this link to the recorded meetings.
Dawn Adams, President Kristen Randall, Vice President Jenna Hamm, Secretary/Treasurer |
Lauren Bruns Tami Ohlund Katie Griebe Forest Shreeve |
All written correspondences received up to Tuesday at 4:00 p.m., the week of the school board meeting, will be included in the upcoming board packet. Any written correspondences received after 4:00 p.m on the Tuesday of the board meeting week will be included in the following month's board meeting packet.
Denali Borough School District Board of Education Adopted
Annual Goals and Priorities for the 2024-25 School Year
Priorities of the District Shall be:
1. To ensure students engage in Denali Learning, experience High Quality Instruction, and for this to be reflected in quantitative and qualitative measurements of student achievement.
2. To improve engagement between the schools and stakeholders to increase student engagement and learning as reflected in quantitative and qualitative measurements of student achievement.
3. To increase the positive school culture at all sites and see that reflected in the peer climate and caring adult indicators in the School Climate and Connectedness survey.
4. To improve student attendance and reduce the rate of chronic absenteeism by 50% compared to 2023-24.
Goals for the Board shall be:
1. Provide a high-quality instructional program, using data and evidence when making decisions by reviewing student performance data and evidence three times a year.
2. Base financial and governance decisions on DBSD's Strategic Plan, by reviewing the strategic plan four times per year.
3. Ensure comprehensive new board member orientation and training including the Strategic Plan and instructional model, Denali Learning, and to continue board member serving on at least one committee.
4. Ensure community engagement opportunities with board members exist at all sites by holding board meetings at each school site, individual board members making themselves available to interact with members of the board.
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